Our study gathers the perspectives of students in the critical school years 9, 10 and 11 (ages 13-16). What do young people in schools know, identify, and imagine about the skills they will need for their post 16 pathways?
Read the reportTo address the pressing problem of teacher recruitment and retention, we hosted a roundtable discussion featuring three
case studies on how schools and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) are tackling these
Our findings reveal that students actively participated in the decision-making process, considering various criteria to make informed choices. Academic reputation and the influence of parental preferences are factors weighed in the decision-making process. Despite parental influence, students perceived themselves as the ultimate decision-makers.
Read the reportCIRL, in collaboration with other school partners, has established a roundtable series to understand changes in the apprenticeship landscape, what skills are required to complete an apprenticeship, and how we can better equip our students to prepare for the application process.
Read the reportDuring the academic year 2022-23, we
commissioned research with two sixth form
colleges in London. We aimed to better
understand how parents perceive university
and career aspirations for their children. In
total, we interviewed 46 parents across the
two schools. Below we present the two case
Seemingly, Falinge Park School, a comprehensive school in Rochdale, might have little in common with Eton College, a selective public school in Windsor. This project aimed to uncover some of the commonalities between the two schools through discussions of wider social issues.
Read the reportThe use of peer mentoring in schools is fairly widespread. This report reviews the research on how such programmes work and the suggest strategies for success.
Read the reportIn the academic year 2020-2021, Eton College and the Tony Little Centre worked with a sixth form college in south London to implement a programme of developing academic resilience. We are confident that our course contributed to the students’ resilience and academic resilience.
Read the reportEton Fives (EF), which is self-officiated at all levels of the game, has potential to benefit those that play it by promoting the development of self-regulation (SR). A combination of cognitive challenges, present in the complexity of the game and its self-officiated structure, and physical exercise are likely to place demands on a player’s ability to self-regulate. The aim of this study was to discover if there are any differences in SR ability between Eton Fives players and those that do not play the sport.
Read the reportWhen the first UK lockdown came into effect in March 2020, EtonX and Eton College offered free access to all their self-study student courses to UK state schools. This report discusses our main findings from talking to schools which offered the courses to their students.
Read the report